The Three Prime Areas
Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
Within a nurturing environment, children are individually supported to develop confidence, autonomy and independence. They will learn to value and respect themselves and others. Through activities and daily routines children will be encouraged to become independent individuals who are eager and motivated to learn and explore the world around them whilst gaining an awareness of who they are and to feel good about themselves. They are encouraged to work and concentrate independently and also to take part in the life of the group (eg- helping to prepare fruit for snack time, water the plants in the nursery garden or counting out how many cups are needed for lunch time)
Communication and Language:
Throughout the day children are encouraged to use language for communicating, thinking, reading and writing, whilst extending and developing their vocabulary and fluency. They can listen and join in with stories, rhymes, sing songs and explore rhythm and sound. The children are helped to understand that written symbols carry meaning, to be aware of the purpose
of writing and to use drawn and written symbols themselves (eg- writing a shopping list in the role play corner or writing labels for the beans they have planted in the garden) Our well stocked cosy book corners gives every child the opportunity to become familiar with books. By handling books, the child will become aware of its uses, both for reference and as a source of stories and pictures.
Physical Development:
A range of equipment both indoors and out allows children to develop confidence and enjoyment of their own body skills. A very high level of adult supervision enables children safely to create and meet physical challenges, developing skill and control in moving, climbing and balancing. At the same time, children are supported in the development of the fine motor skills needed to use tools, including pens and pencils, and to handle small objects with increasing control and precision. Through adult supported activities the children will learn to understand good practices with regards to eating, sleeping, exercise and hygiene and how these things contribute to good health.
The Four Specific Areas
By means of adult-supported play children become familiar with sorting, matching, ordering, sequencing and counting activities which form the basis for early mathematics. As they use their developing mathematical vocabulary, and get to grips with the concepts of shape, position, size, volume and number (eg- weighing ingredients to make porridge for the three bears or counting out how many plates we need for tea) children will also have daily opportunities to engage with songs, games and books to help them become aware of number sequences and early addition and subtraction problems.
Understanding the World:
All children will have daily opportunities to explore and experiment with a range of natural and man-made materials. They will be encouraged to explore features of objects and substances, using all of their senses. They will learn
to recognise differences, patterns and similarities, and to share and record their findings. Children are assisted in exploring and understanding their environment, both within the group and also the wider community. They will develop an understanding of the cultures and beliefs of others and learn that people speak different languages. They will be encouraged to share stories about their experiences and talk about their home lives, valuing their own and those of others. A range of safe and well maintained equipment enable children to extend their technological understanding, using simple tools and techniques, as appropriate, to achieve their intentions and to solve problems.
We support children’s natural curiosity of written language and reading through our literacy friendly environments. Using written letters, words and signs to support our learning environment, using pre-writing and reading activities (drawing shapes and symbols in wet sand) and phonic activities. We are guided by your child, playing alongside them and sharing our passion for reading and books. When children are ready to make the journey into formal reading we use the Letters and Sound principals and practice of high quality phonics alongside early reading books to explore letters and sounds together with using pictures to support understanding of the stories and text.
Expressive Arts and Design:
Children are encouraged to use a wide range of resources to express their own ideas and feelings, and develop their imaginations. Art equipment, such as paint, glue, crayons and pencils as well as natural and discarded resources, provides for open-ended play exploration of all colour, shape, form and texture and the development of skills needed for painting, drawing, design and construction. Children join in with and respond to music and stories, and there are many opportunities for imaginative role-play, both individually and as part of a group.